Humans of Tango

About the Podcast

People dancing tango in Washington, DC

The link between tango and passion is real - but the passion is richer, more diverse, and more relatable than the man-in-dark-suit + woman-in-red-dress-stereotype suggests. (No disrespect to dark suits or red dresses.)

This podcast offers an authentic glimpse into who dances tango, why they dance, and how the dance has shaped their lives. Along the way we'll explore what their experiences can teach us all about being and connecting in the world.

Each episode features one person's story and perspective on tango and life, accompanied by a song inspired by that person's musical tastes.

A Note on the Process
Interviews are at the heart of this podcast. I craft each episode by first talking with the human featured, then distilling the themes I find most interesting/relevant based on my own analysis and learning process. Next, I edit audio from the interview to present those themes clearly and coherently and add music and my commentary. Finally, I share each episode with the person featured for their blessing before publishing.


About Me (creator/producer/host Liz Sabatiuk)
My tango journey began in Montevideo, Uruguay, tango's lesser-known co-birthplace across the river from Buenos Aires. Since those first days in 2005, learning "tango oriental" with my friend Dave as part of a Spanish-language immersion program, I've studied with many maestr@s, taught and organized, started a queer tango program in Washington, DC, and married another tango dancer (with whom I now have two tango babies). 

Soon after the COVID-19 pandemic swept the planet, our little family left DC to live in my spouse's hometown in Spain. Between parenting, COVID precautions, and our currently tango-less location, my tango practice these days is mainly limited to my living room (and the playground, as you can see in the video above). Humans of Tango is my way to continue connecting with other folks whose lives have been shaped by tango while deepening my own understanding of the dance and culture. In the process, I hope to share tango's versatility, power, and beauty with dancers and non-dancers alike.

Two women dancing tango

This podcast would not exist without the support and help of some amazing humans whom I'm blessed to have in my life, namely my spouse, Rubén; my mother, Pamela; my cousin Jen; and dear friends and reviewers Larry Swiader, Rafael Gattass, Simone Pinheiro, Olga Liapis-Muzzy, and Birthe Havmøller. I'm also incredibly grateful to the individuals who've shared their stories and perspectives for the podcast and to the musicians who've agreed to have their music featured. Last but certainly not least, huge thanks to every single person who has listened to the podcast. You make the process worthwhile!

Pregnant woman dancing tango

Pictured are producer/host Liz Sabatiuk dancing with Jake Spatz (top), Aja Fenn (middle), and her spouse Ruben and soon-to-be-born first tango baby (bottom).
Photo Credit: Jaime Montemayor

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